Iron Finance Rebuilding — Tokenomics

Iron Finance
2 min readJul 7, 2021


alpha leaks

Article highlights (TL;DR)

  • Iron Finance relaunch scheduled for Monday, 12 July 2021 at 1PM UTC on Polygon Network
  • The relaunch will include a new token and IronSwap, the Iron Finance stable swap product

Please continue to read for more details. For the initial article about the Iron Finance relaunch, please see here.


As most of you are already aware, the Iron Finance team has renounced ownership of the old TITAN token, it is now actively managed by the TitanDAO community initiative. As explained in our previous Medium article, STEEL, TITAN and DND tokens are no longer part of the Iron Finance products and ecosystem.

The new official Iron Finance token to replace the TITAN token will be the ICE token (=“TITANv2”). We were inspired by A Song of Ice and Fire novels, where the Iron Throne is a well-known symbol.

ICE tokenomics

- Max supply 10 billion ICE (hard cap)
- Max supply to be reached in 3 years

ICE distribution

IronSwap (Iron Finance stableswap)

  • 1B ICE for 3stables pool (USDC/USDT/DAI) liquidity incentives
  • 0.5B ICE for other ICE liquidity pairs


  • 1B ICE for liquidity incentives to IronLend
  • Launch scheduled for 2nd half of July, more details to be shared ahead of launch

Iron stablecoin

  • 4.5B ICE for IRONv2 stablecoin liquidity incentives
  • We will share details about the new stablecoin design in a separate article ahead of launch
  • Launch scheduled for the beginning of August

Compensation Fund

  • 2.9B ICE for the Compensation Fund
  • More information about snapshot will be share later in July
  • Compensation start scheduled beginning of August


  • 0.1B ICE for marketing and audits
  • Auditors will be engaged as we launch each product


  • Please be aware of fake compensation websites, scam channels with our name, and fake admins asking for your private keys or offering support
  • Never give out your seed phrase and never verify your wallet with anyone claiming to be from Iron Finance team
  • Please only follow our official Telegram channels:

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Price chat:



Iron Finance
Iron Finance

Written by Iron Finance

Building a user-friendly, multi-chain stableswap and lending ecosystem. Community chat:

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