Multi-Chain Going Live! (Part 3 of Iron Finance Q3 Dev Roadmap)

Iron Finance
2 min readSep 18, 2021


Part 4 in Q4

Read Part 2 of our Q3 Dev Roadmap article HERE.

AnySwap Bridge to Avalanche and Fantom

We’re live on AnySwap and users can now bridge ICE between Avalanche<>Polygon<>Fantom by using AnySwap’s bridge router! In order to more efficiently promote the Iron Finance brand on other chains, the token ticker on Avalanche and Fantom will be $IronICE.

$AVAX Liquidity Incentives

Once we bridge our ICE token to Avalanche and get IronSwap TVL and trading volume ramped up, we are in good shape to expect AVAX incentives by the Avalanche. We’ve had frequent communication going with the Avalanche team regarding AVAX incentives so we will get to more details to be shared publicly soon.

Apart from that, we’re also talking to Avalanche DEXes for liquidity incentives.

$FTM Liquidity Incentives

We have got to an agreement with the Fantom team about $FTM incentives. Incentives will kick in at $5M TVL with a 2 months cliff and 12 months vesting. The relevant source for Iron Finance TVL on Fantom is the Defi Llama dashboard.

Apart from ICE and FTM incentives, we’re also talking to Fantom DEXes for liquidity incentives.

ICE Multi-Chain Tokenomics

We are considerate about not increasing ICE emissions for liquidity incentives on Avalanche and Polygon. Therefore, we have decided to:

1) keep the current emission schedule (just 2.4% increase, see table above)
2) keep the percentage ratio of ICE emission allocated for IronSwap+IronLend vs ICE/XYZ farms equal (see current share% vs new share% in the table above)

We will not use any ICE for IronLend liquidity on Avalanche and Fantom to keep the emission unchanged. Later, once we get AVAX and FTM incentives, we will decide how to allocate those between IronSwap vs IronLend.

We will collect multi-chain fees from our products and let our governance (BlueICE holders on Polygon) vote on the distribution model.

Farms Launch

ICE liquidity for IronSwap on Avalanche and Fantom will launch on Monday, September 20, at noon UTC.
We will announce well ahead of the launch the liquidity pairs for ICE/XYZ pools, as well as our DEXes of choice, on both chains.


By going multi-chain, we are in a great position to showcase our products to a new and significantly broader user base while simultaneously achieving positive gains for our current community and holders, and all this while maintaining current ICE emissions and ahead of 3rd party liquidity incentives on top.



Iron Finance

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